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Ný skákbók eftir Bobby Fischer


61 minnisstćđ skák eftir Bobby Fischer
Íslendingurinn Bobby Fischer hefur gefiđ út nýja bók sem ber nafniđ 61 minnisstćđ skák (My 61 Memorable Games) og er samkvćmt frásögn á Ebay endurgerđ á hinni ţekktu bók 60 minnisstćđar skákir sem út kom fyrst áriđ 1969 og hefur ţótt međal betra skákbóka sem komiđ hafa út.  Fischer hefur bćtt viđ einni skák en um er ađ rćđa fyrstu einvígisskákina gegn Spassky áriđ 1992.  Fyrsta útgáfa bókarinn er ađeins gefin út í 50 eintökum til ađ byrja og auglýst eftir bođi á Ebay í allar bćkurnar.  Annađ útbođ verđur svo síđar fyrir bćkur 51-100 en eftir ţađ mun bókin fara í almenna sölu. 


Í umföllun í bókinni á Ebay segir: 

The book is entitled "My 61 Memorable Games", a new book released by Bobby Fischer. The "cover price" of this book is $24.95 but as a collector's item of limited production run, they can obviously sell for much more. You are bidding on THE FIRST 50 COPIES OF THIS BOOK to be released! Only bid if you intend to be in receipt of all 50 copies. The first 100 copies are marked as SPECIAL EDITION, FIRST PRINT RUN, and this auction is for books #1-50. Another auction will be for books 51-100. This book will not be made available for the public before February 2008, and all books from 101 onward will say SECOND EDITION on them. Send an email to my61memorablegames@gmail.com for more information. Nearly four decades have passed since Bobby Fischer's "My 60 Memorable Games" was first printed. The year was 1969. America was embroiled in the Viet Nam Conflict. Lyndon B. Johnson was replaced by Richard M. Nixon in the White House. And a group known as "Led Zeppelin" released their first album. Much has changed since then, but even modern computer analysis in 2007 indicates that Fischer's intuition and tactical combinations were very accurate. This has made "My 60 Memorable Games" a treasure to chessplayers, and a book highly sought after by collectors. And now, Fischer's new book has outperformed its great predecessor! It remains true to the original form: Chess analysis, objective and clear, devoid of personal attacks or other diatribe. Updated with modern Figurine Algebraic Notation, it is much easier to read than the antiquated Descriptive Notation of 1969. The pensive, elder Fischer has annotated the games from the perspective of his accumulated lifetime of experience, an impossible undertaking for his 26-year old counterpart that penned the original tome. The new book also contains IMPROVED analysis and more commentary by the legendary reclusive World Champion. And the icing on the cake is, a new game added to the collection! For the first time ever, Fischer's own recounting of his 'memorable' game 1 from the 1992 rematch with Boris Spassky. This was the Breyer Variation of the ancient Ruy Lopez opening (which dates back to 1561!) yet Fischer imparts new life to it with a move that was highly praised by Grandmasters around the world! Chess enthusiasts of all ages, strengths, and backgrounds will love this book. P.S. The page images below are VERY BLURRY for some reason -- eBay has scaled them down, the book looks much sharper and much better than these images!

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1 Smámynd: Ingvar Ţór Jóhannesson

Ţetta er náttúrulega svo mikiđ fake ađ ţađ hálfa vćri nóg

Ingvar Ţór Jóhannesson, 17.12.2007 kl. 15:40

Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.



Skák.is, skákfréttavefur Íslands. Gunnar Björnsson er ritsjóri vefsins.



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