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Forseti FIDE "skipar" Norđmönnum ađ taka inn Rússa og hinir ţjóđirnar átta

Ólympíuskákmótiđ 2014

Farsinn fyrir Ólympíuskákmótiđ í Tromsö heldur áfram. Í morgun birtist opiđ bréf á heimasíđu FIDE undiritađ af  Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, forseta FIDE, ţar sem ţess er krafist ađ mótshaldarar hleypi inn Rússum og hinum liđunum átta.

Í bréfi Kirsans segir međal annars:

In my capacity as FIDE President, I am strongly complaining about the latest decisions and behavior of the Olympiad Organizing Committee in Tromso.

FIDE cannot accept the way that the Organizing Committee is treating many national federations by delaying registrations, visa invitations and ignoring FIDE decisions, regulations and signed contracts.

Unfortunately, the strong influence and partnership of one FIDE presidential candidate, and his employees, within the Organizing Committee is causing for the first time in Olympiad history, so many problems in a top FIDE event:

  • selected countries that need to travel as a whole delegation to another country (!!) to get their visa,
  • match arbiters staying in hotels ...70 km away (!!) from the games,
  • selected Federations that are prohibited to access the online registration system of the Olympiad,
  • invitation letters not issued for accompanying persons due to accommodation problems,
  • and even federations like Russia which have been initially accepted as participants and then were refused registration, only 2 weeks before the event!

Föstum skotum skotiđ á mótshaldara. Sumir punktarnir réttir eins og t.d. ađ ţađ er ekki til fyrirmyndar hjá Norđmönnunum ađ hafa skákstjóranna í 70 km. fjarlćgđ en svo virđist sem meiri háttar vandamál ađ fá gistingu séu ađ hrjá heimamenn. Enn t.d. liggur ekki fyrir hvar íslensku liđin gista.

Norđmenn segja ađ vegabréfsáritanir séu ekki ţeirra mál - heldur sé um ađ rćđa reglur utanríkisráđuneytisins.

Í bréfi Kirsans um ţátttöku Rússa segir međal annars:

The only reason that Russia could not register their women team was that they were waiting for FIDE's decision on the Kateryna Lagno case, which was only finalized on 12 July.  

Ţetta hefur veriđ vitađ en aldrei viđurkennt áđur af FIDE né Rússum.

Kirsan sakar Norđmenn um ađ vera í kosningabaráttu fyrir Kasparov og segir:

The Organizing Committee, instead of complying with FIDE's instructions, also created similar problems with other national federations, contrary to FIDE regulations. The Federations of Afghanistan, Gabon and Pakistan are only three examples, out of many, legitimate federations that are denied access to the online registration system of the Olympiad, and even today they are still not allowed to register their full delegation. The Organizing Committee had instead given the Afghanistan and Gabon access to the registration system to people who are connected to Gary Kasparov and falsely claimed to represent the real federations of Afghanistan and Gabon! This is an issue resolved by the Electoral Commission of FIDE since 14 July and the Organising Committee is aware of this. The Organizing Committee in Tromso has performed an unbelievable scheme of combined illegitimate actions which should never take place in a democratic country like Norway.  

Áđur hefur veriđ fjallađ um málefni Gabon og Afganistan hér á Skák.is en svo virđist sem FIDE hafi einhliđa ţar skipt um forseta og/eđa skáksambönd. FIDE stađfestir hér ađ ţeirra fólk/skáksambönd séu hafi veriđ samţykkt af sérstakri nefnd en ţess má geta ađ Kirsan og hans fólk hefur meirihluta í ţeirri nefnd og ţar virđist vinnubrögđin hafa veriđ nokkuđ sérstök eins og lesa má um hér.

Áfram heldur forsetinn

As FIDE President, I am hereby officially informing the Organizing Committee that the delegations of Russia, Afghanistan, Gabon and Pakistan are allowed to participate in the FIDE Olympiad and Congress in Tromso, in accordance with the power given to the FIDE President by article 6.1 of the regulations. This decision has been made by taking into account the real problems that the federations of Russia, Afghanistan, Gabon and Pakistan faced during the registration process.  

Semsagt hann skipar mótshöldurum ađ leyfa ţessum níu liđum ađ taka ţátt og vitnar í hina ţekktu grein 6.1, sem stundum er kallađ "kjarnorkusprengjuákvćđiđ".

The FIDE President represents the interests of FIDE and is empowered to take the final decision on all questions relating to the Olympiad as a whole.  

 Ađ lokum gefur hann mótshöldum frest fram á mánudag til ađ verđa viđ ţessum kröfum sínum.

Bréf Kirsans má lesa í heild sinni á heimasíđu FIDE.

Enn hafa ekki borist viđbrögđ frá mótshöldurum. Um helgina lýkur svo Meistaramóti Noregs í skák og um laugardagskvöldiđ verđur ţar mikil hátíđ í tilefni 100 ára afmćlis Skáksambands Noregs. Sjálfsagt munu ţessi mál verđa ţar í brennidepli.  

Skák.is mun hafa puttann á púlsinum varđandi framhald málsins.

Heimasíđa Ólympíuskákmótsins

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Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.



Skák.is, skákfréttavefur Íslands. Gunnar Björnsson er ritsjóri vefsins.



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