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Yfirlýsing frá franska ólympíuliđinu

Franska Ólympíuliđiđ ađ Feller undanskyldum, sem sakađur hefur veriđ um svindl á síđasta Ólympíuskákmóti, hefur gefiđ út yfirlýsingu um máliđ.   Engin afstađa er tekin um meint svindl Feller og liđsstjórans en svindl í skák er almennt fordćmt.   Enska ţýđingu má finna á vefsíđu Susan Polgar.  Ţýđingin hljómar svo:

Notice from the French Chess Olympiad team

The French Chess Federation (EBF) announced on January 21, 2011 that on December 22, disciplinary action against two Grand Masters who are members of the French International team, and against a French International Master, after "suspicions of organized cheating, a serious breach of ethics in sport, undermining the image of the Olympic national team, as part of the Chess Olympiad which took place in Khanty-Mansyik (Russia) from September 21 to October 3, 2010."

As members of the French chess team which took part in this competition, we wish to express our utter amazement on reading the seriousness of the charges, and our strongest commitment to ensuring that full light be established on this matter .

The complaints are serious because they may be liable to discredit the game of chess as a sport of high level, but also as a hobby open to the greatest number of players, whether club players or simply amateurs.

Therefore, without prejudging the outcome of pending proceedings, or that could be triggered later, we express our full support to the ETF in the quest to find truth it has undertaken, and the effort to fight against cheating. We do this full confidence in the Disciplinary Committee to decide on the veracity of the allegations in respect of necessary requirements of independence and impartiality, and we are at their disposal. If the facts were true, we strongly condemn (the cheaters).

Finally, we wish to reiterate the importance we attach to the values of fair play, respect for opponents and set an example by self-transcendence, which constitute the universal ethical principles of the Olympic spirit, but also the uniqueness of our sport, based on analytical and creative fit for human reflection.

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
Laurent Fressinet
Vladislav Tkachiev
Romain Edouard

Members of the French Olympiad team

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Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.



Skák.is, skákfréttavefur Íslands. Gunnar Björnsson er ritsjóri vefsins.



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