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Skákstjórar í brennidepli - tap dćmt fyrir skrifa leiki fyrirfram

Dómgćsla á skákmótum hefur veriđ í brennidepli síđustu daga. Skák.is hefur bćđi greint frá Wesley So-málinu á bandaríska meistaramótinu og svo varđ georískur stórmeistari uppvís af svindli í Dubai nýlega međ ţví ađ nota sér skákforrit í snjallsíma til hjálpar.

Ţriđja dćmiđ um nýlega dómgćslu átti sér stađ á Aeroflot Open ţegar tap var dćmt á keppenda fyrir ađ skrifa niđur leikinn á skorblađiđ áđur en hann lék en slíkt er bannađ.

Grípum í umfjöllun rússneska stórmeistarans Dmitry Kryakvin um atvikiđ á bloggsíđu hans en frásögn var ţýdd á Chess24.

In the eighth round of the side event there was a scandal with a very curious pretext. It took place in the encounter between a legend of Moscow chess, IM Pavel Dvalishvili (2439) and his Azerbaijan colleague IM Orkhan Abdulov (2337).

The game was very tense from the opening moves – with two rounds to go the players had +2 and the encounter would mean the winner had chances of taking one of the main prizes worth a few thousand euro, while the loser would be fighting over crumbs in a foreign currency. Later Dvalishvili would claim that from the very first moves the Azerbaijan player acted arrogantly and provocatively. Abdulov countered by saying that Pavel did everything he could to interrupt his thought processes, writing his move down on the scoresheet in advance and sliding it across to try and gauge the reaction of his opponent. Dvalishvili, meanwhile, took his visually impaired certificate out of his pocket and claimed that he’d had nothing of the sort in mind.

The essence of the confrontation was as follows. Abdulov’s position became absolutely lost (moreover, there was a still a long way until the time control – Black hadn’t made it out of the opening), but at the same time the Azerbaijan master appealed to the arbiter on a number of occasions, since Dvalishvili was writing down his move on the scoresheet before he made it. And after another such episode he demanded that his opponent be forfeited. The arbiters rushed to the scene, the game was stopped and the players were taken out into the corridor – what happened there could only be guessed at from some exclamations. Soon the Chief Arbiter Geurt Gijssen also arrived, and they translated from Russian to English to explain the problem that had arisen. And Gijssen, in full accordance with the rules, gave Dvalishvili a zero. It turns out that if a player, despite a warning from the arbiter, continues to write down his moves before he makes them on the board then he can face a tough punishment. Apparently the third time it happens. But did you know about that rule?

I’ll be honest. I felt really sorry for Pasha, although in the bigger picture he’s only got himself to blame for not correcting his behaviour after the first warning. In the end Abdulov won the last game and came 4th, while Dvalishvili only managed to make it into the last “aero-bonuses”. 

Ţessi regla um ađ ekki mćtti skrifa leikin fyrirfram var sett fyrir um áratug síđan. Dćmi voru um ađ vissir skákmenn misnotuđu ţetta frelsi t.a.m. geta leikiđ hratt í tímahraki og jafnvel til ţess ađ sýna "hjálpurum" leikinn til ađ fá ţeirra álit. Ţví miđur er ţađ oft svo ađ svörtu sauđirnir skemma fyrir hinum.

Sé frásögnin hér ađ ofan er ritstjóri sammála úrskurđi skákstjóra um ađ dćma tap. Ađ brjóta af sér ţrisvar sinnum í sömu skák er ekki ásćttanlegt.

Ţess má geta ađ atvik ţar sem skákmađur skrifađi leikina niđur fyrirfram kom upp á Reykjavíkurskákmótinu 2012 (Stelios Halkias og Gawain Jones). Um ţađ var fjallađ ítarlega í New In Chess (2012#3).

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Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.



Skák.is, skákfréttavefur Íslands. Gunnar Björnsson er ritsjóri vefsins.



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