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Svindmál skekur ţýskt skáklíf

Bindrich og TregubovÍ ţýsku deildakeppninni (Bundesliga) kom upp svindlmál síđustu helgi.  Dćmt var tap á ţýska stórmeistarann Falko Bindrich í skák hans gegn stórmeistaranum Sebastian Siebricht eftir ađeins 10 leiki.  Ástćđan fyrir ţví var sá ađ hann hafđi smartsíma á sér ţegar hann fór á salerniđ og neitađi ađ sína hann skákstjóranum ţegar ţess var óskađ en heimild er fyrir slíku í reglum keppninnar.

Í fyrri skák helgarinnar vann hann Pavel Tregubov en ţá virđast strax grunsemdir vaknađ samkvćmt frásögn Chessbase um máliđ:

Grípum í frásögn skákstjóra:

On Sunday, at 10:00 a.m. Falko Bindrich was playing on board seven against Sebastian Siebrecht. Shortly after the start of the game I saw that Falko Bindrich disappear into the toilet for the first time. I became suspicious. Shortly after 10:30 a.m. he was gone again, and fifteen minutes again. That was too much for me and I followed him to the toilet. Sebastian Siebrecht, too, had noticed something odd about the behavior of Falko Bindrich. He caught up with me just before we reached the toilet, and we had a brief conversation, during which I told him that I intend to carry out a pocket check. I asked Sebastian Siebrecht leave the space in front of the toilet, so I could confront Falko Bindrich alone.

og síđar:

I had no other choice but to terminate the game and award the point to Sebastian Siebrecht. I consider the refusal to hand over the mobile phone clear proof that it had been used illegally, and in addition the refusal was against the rules of the event. I would like to mention that the team captain of Eppingen accepted this decision without discussion and later apologised to Sebastian Siebrecht and the team captain of Katernberg for the behaviour of his player.

Bindrich er ekki sammála og segir m.a. í yfirlýsingu um máliđ:

I want to clarify once again that I was not disqualified by the referee because of cell phone fraud, but because of my refusal to allow him to inspect my cell phone. The reasons for this are complex. First and foremost, I see it as a direct invasion of my privacy. I can allow anyone. really anyone, access to my mobile phone. On it I have, apart from my private data (very private pictures and messages) also sensitive business data. I need to protect this. Releasing the data would cost me my job and important relationships. I could not risk this. It is true that I have, as many other chess players too, a chess app stored on my phone, including a post game analysis of my game against Tregubov, which I conducted on Saturday night after the game in the hotel room. To my knowledge one must carry a cell phone, provided it is switched off, which in this case it always was.

Mun ítarlegri frásögn um máliđ má lesa á Chessbase.

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Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.



Skák.is, skákfréttavefur Íslands. Gunnar Björnsson er ritsjóri vefsins.



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